LJHS PTSA and Foundation of LJHS
The LJHS PTSA and the Foundation of LJHS are two organizations that support La Jolla High School in different ways with the common objective of creating an excellent school environment that we aspire to for all students at La Jolla High. Your support of both of these organizations is very much appreciated.
The PTSA is a parent volunteer group supported by community members and the state and national PTA organization. Through fundraising and volunteer work, our PTSA connects our homes, school and community to help make every child's potential a reality.
The PTSA engages and empowers families and communities to advocate for all children. Annual membership dues (including online transaction fees) are $20.76/person, $10.52/student. A portion of dues are paid to the state and national organization, the remainder of dues donated stays with LJHS.
Additional donations to the PTSA support specialized programs like Mini-Grants that help teachers and staff fund supplemental supplies not provided by the district. Mini-grants are often used for in-class, hands-on enrichment experiences that benefit all students at LJHS.
The Foundation of LJHS
Founded in 1983, the Foundation of LJHS is a 501(c)3 whose mission is to enhance the overall educational experience of students by raising, managing and disbursing critical funds to support academic, athletic, building and grounds, and other needs of the school for which funding is not available.
The Foundation bridges the gap between what La Jolla High School receives each year from the San Diego Unified School District and what is actually needed to provide top-ranked public education to all its students. This cannot be achieved without your support.
Please consider contributing to the Foundation of LJHS. Every donation helps and 100% of all funds raised stays with LJHS.